Audios & Articles to fuel your authentic, inspired success:
Audio posts are marked with this symbol: 🔉
… let's keep building on this with a podcast version and guided power pause to integrate as a pragmatic tool to help you fly.
So what DO I really want to create and how do I..." The "positive" side of the same coin is "What I focus on expands. What I appreciate appreciates." Right?
Let this be a fun telegram from that Trust the Force champion energy wanting us to flow and flourish.
I’ve been experimenting with a new Monday "CEO meeting" Compassionate Energy Optimizer*…starting inside of me.
It’s another learning lab exploration in walking the talk of the new
My personal experience (and most of my clients' revelations) about conflict avoidance don't seem as intense (e.g. backstabbing taken to extremes.). But avoidance is
It's possible to have the title leader on a resume, get people to get stuff done, achieve & acquire things, money and magazine covers included. That's not mastery. It might be misery, hmm?
The HP shooting hit close to home (I grew up in the Chicago suburbs, lived in the area for most of my life and still have loved-ones and clients there). Here are two audios to help you
A funny thing happened upon searching (online) about this question. I bumped into a TED Talk; "Does money make you mean?" Hmm!
How are you feeling these days? I really want to know! What could it mean for you to no longer dance to anything but the rhythm of Your Soul? What the heck could that mean for you/ look like?
Podcast- From slipping into your dangerous default to Oooh, I finally get to be the Real Me! (and how this is the greatest gift to everyone and everything you care about most! )
Discover more ways to liberate yourself from a culturally-conditioned habitrail and replace “should” with your authentic YES. The first part of this audio is like a mini workshop/ coaching session. A guided power pause practice is at 19:00 minutes. Enjoy!
We get to realize deeper layers of this truth. What actually creates your experience is your consciousness, (inner state/what energy you are coming from) not circumstances. This is
We get to realize deeper layers of this truth. What actually creates your experience is your consciousness, (inner state/what energy you are coming from) not circumstances. This is
In last week's Resilience Reboot masterclass, we were cringing, crying and laughing about three acronyms for fear.
How does this inspire your priorities and choices this week, this year?
This could be a wonderful gift for yourself and the people & projects you really care about. Happy Valentine’s Day!
Some version of this kind of compassion in action is possible Monday morning in what we get to bring and how we show up with each other at work, too!! :-)
Between holidays is a perfect time to PAUSE. It's also wonderful to be able to pause together to meditate and fuel each other's greater potential.
Here's my gift to bring to the holiday feast of our human family. Based on conversations with inspired leadership clients
I'm fascinated with what really, really makes us tick from the inside out and how we dance well (or not) with each other, from a first
Happy Halloween and the final day of MindfulWorkplaceMonth. (And, as Van Riper writes here, "just the beginning of efforts to
Here are nuggets from Gratitude research relevant to health, happiness, human effectiveness, and organizational success. Take a look at…
I just received this (below) from Susan David, and appreciated her way of talking about "Mindlessness" to help clarify the value of…
So, how do we renew the smart fuel for people to be able to come from their best potential rather than the default of stress …
I've developed a habit where I view a coincidence of schedule changes like this to be an invitation for something to shift…
What influences you to keep rushing or trying to get things done "faster, smarter, better" ? How are you…
Imagine the inner calm, courage and clarity that could be available to shift some of what we see in the media circus, unnecessary stress…
We can do this. You are here for a mighty purpose larger than any virus. I am here to support your resilience and ultimate potential.
We certainly need this kind of fortifying ourselves these days. We can rise and shine and be a movement for better lives, better business, better world.