Pardon our dust while the New MLA Pause Pub is under construction. We’ll have an opening party soon :-)
Addressing what's happening inside of you is the only way to truly transform what you experience on the outside.
- The Hendricks Institute
W e l c o m e t o t h e n e w
Mastery of Leadership Arts P A U S E P U B
fueling the essence of inner power, outer potential, real prosperity & joy
Meditation, Masterclasses, Music,
Podcasts, Paradigm-shifting New Conversations & More!
Presence Allowing Unconditional Source Emergence
the Power of Activating Unlimited Success Embodied
What if you had a new kind of place to PAUSE, reclaim your true self, and reboot coming from your infinite potential? Imagine a different level of smart fuel and support while having fun hanging out at a new paradigm pub that calms you down and lifts you up to nourish and empower your best life, business & beyond.
In the busyness of cultural norms and the accumulation of habits we’ve all inherited (about how to be happy, safe & successful) how many days end up eaten up by accidental inertia more than deeper inspiration and higher intentions? What’s been running you? What’s trying to run the world? It’s time for a new school of leadership and a whole new conversation about how we are defining and creating success.
“Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space lies our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and freedom. -Victor Frankl”
The intention of this new MLA Mastery of Leadership Arts PAUSE PUB is to be a space for that space.
Please have a seat. What would you like to drink in? A new tonic for resilience? Rejuvenating food for your soul? A provocative conversation to help you truly feel better and lead better? It is indeed our pleasure to serve you here in this space. You might be ready for a leap year of growth and a great shift in your potential, or just want Quick Sips to help you pause for now.
What’s on tap? (inspired ideas…)
We could offer a curated, digestible menu of the best tools and teachings with a sweet spot of inspired leadership, consciousness in business and a truly new paradigm emerging. It is indeed time for a whole new conversation about how we define and create success. I feel more called and ready than ever to step up and dive in with you to fuel that game-changing adventure. Your input, participation, feedback, etc. will help shape what the MLA Pause Pub becomes!
Events- MLA Meditation/ New School Masterclasses/ private chat with Marian, reserve the quiet corner table/Pause party?
A new kind of weekly or monthly gathering?- fusion of Agape service&MLA teaching “pulpit” to nourish leaders’ hearts -souls & spark new conversations and revolutionary MOVEMENT and taste for some leaders who want to be in cohort, community… BE the change…
Good food for the soul… Happy Hour… This weeks specials… Meditation Menu…
PODCASTs & guided audios
Morning Juice
Upstairs VIP Lounge Vast Infinite Presence :-)
Library…Resource Hub…
Quick Sips
Open Mic ?
Music to move you, special guest artists?
Ted Talks, other inspiring videos…Other thought leaders… Inspiring new paradigm voices & choices
Guest teachers/ new paradigm change agent voices and choices…
Inspired Messenger Mystic Lovegrams/ sribe… Dear New Leader letters
Namayayste - good news and gratitude celebrations
What if effectively pausing in our wise, caring, creative infinitely=sourced life force is our most important job? Imagine unplugging from the inherited seeker-achiever trying treadmill and “putting our light sabers together” to activate a deeper wisdom and inspiration to be mined and mobilized in a tipping point of good-hearted, truly empowered leaders. xxx fuel the best possible future for all? :-)
What greater fulfillment and impact would you love in your life, livelihood & leadership? After the privilege of working with bright leaders and complex human beings like you for 27 years, we’re excited to share the root cause of all desired outcomes and ways to PAUSE that change the way we live and lead.
Why are we here?
The New MLA is about an axial shift from your limiting programming & patterns of trying to achieve success in an unsustainable, inherited paradigm to accessing your real power, waking up to your truly Inspired Self's joyful mission, allowing you greater work and relationships to flow, finding your wings, and teaching you how to fly.
Start your MLA Pause Pub tour here
What do YOU need now?
Even the most serene sage is not immune to of all the drama, stress and challenges in today’s era of uncertainty, complexity, et al. leadership crisis, employee engagement deficit, racial tensions, climate change, political chaos, loneliness epidemic, or whatever else may be relevant on your radar. Never mind just keeping up with your work and personal life. So, the Pause Pub is certainly a place for respite and renewal. What might be the deeper purpose? What do we want to create, not complain about? Imagine a watering hole designed to foster Potential Unleashed for a Better world. Let’s have fun “getting drunk on” that intention and feeding the best in us.
I wonder about that voice inside our heads (whether we are fully aware of it or not) that almost constantly asks, Am I OK? Is it going to be OK? And its cousin that chimes in with, What do I need to DO (to be OK, insidiously trying to get something from somewhere or someone to satisfy this)? And because of this, we spend most of our lives trying to make ourselves feel OK (no matter how sophisticated or clever all the stories, strategies and successful accomplishments may appear).
Less familiar, but infinitely more powerful, is a space that can hold all of that, no matter what, and remind you that you are indeed absolutely OK.
Much more powerful than the default of What do I need to do? is a space of knowing your being underneath all the questions. And, as simple as this sounds, this makes all the difference in the world for your enjoyment and effectiveness —every chance, every yes or no, every conversation, from tiny tasks to paradigm-shifting movements. :-) Thus, it makes all the difference for the world because of how you show up.
From MLA Founder, Marian Baker:
That is why I am here. My life’s fascination is to facilitate that shift from trying (coming from uh-oh, am I OK?) to remembering our being, (coming from absolute okayness) so that our doing becomes authentically inspired. Inspired doing flows from limitless compassion, creativity and infinite potential rather than conditioned constraints and accidental self-sabotage. This is the invitation of the deepest heart’s calling. After the privilege of working with bright leaders/ complex human beings like you for 27 years, I bow to the new MLA tools teaching me, cracking the code like never before. I am here to meet you right where you are and also see you for who you truly are, (and capable of becoming) and remind you of why you are here in this life, and together enjoy fueling your great leader-shift. We get to be curious about real power, true potential and have fun with pragmatic ways to actually live into what’s possible. And I’ll be practicing beginners mind, always humbled and fascinated as a learning geek about this stuff until I die.
We’ll serve up tastes to sample and play with growth edge experiments in our Mastery of Leadership Arts learning lab together. The vision is for this to become a co-created, community pub (lots of offerings free to the public) with a great menu of ways to pause (including “sides” like music and other inspiration fuel). We look forward to gatherings and fun kindred spirit connections to help you flourish. There will also be ways to go deeper, join a year-long MLA cohort Champion Circle, or have Pause parties for the just right collection of people you want.
Imagine meeting up with your inspired leadership group to champion each other in the VIP (Vast Infinite Presence) lounge. Enjoy a one-on-one session in a private upper room. While we might not serve beer, there are no rules against our own sort of open mic, happy hour and spontaneous laughter. Wouldn’t it be great to have a place that you can come hang out, unplug, drop in, gain eye-opening insights, connect with an interesting mix of people interested in positive growth, cultivate a whole new level of leadership, enjoy the power of pausing and making progress for inspired new paradigm success, on your own and together, all with no hangovers? :-)
What do you really want to empower?
Pop into the pub and hit the pause button with us to:
Unplug from being “left to your own devices” to optimize what your real self really wants
Connect to your true power source and infinite potential.
Plug in to community in easy, efficient ways to drop in and reboot.
Have a provocative conversation that might just change the way you run your life and your business.
Have fun “clinking glasses” to celebrate waking up inspired, fueling each other to be our best selves, a new breed of authentic leadership, make a difference, make money, and fall asleep grateful.
“Know thyself is not a personal indulgence. It is a global imperative.- Paul Quinn”