Like you need air, you need Right Tribe. Not just anybody. Your people. Real resonance that you feel in your belly and heart. Laughter. Deeper connections. Support. Fellowship. Breathing room between the busyness. Breaking bread. Brain food. Inspiration. JOY (Journey Of You) Fuel. Your just-right listeners, midwives, collaborators, playmates, challengers and champions.
Do you have enough of this must-have?
You are not average. I know my community of clients, grads & pals are bright, growth-oriented leaders. You don’t want to settle for a unfulfilling life or business-as-usual go along to get along. You don’t want to slip into playing small. You do want to wake up inspired, and really feel like you are coming from greater potential and going for your awesome life, livelihood and leadership. J You are indeed here for a joyful mission and sharing gifts that ONLY You bring. This is my heart’s desire for you- that we fuel your joy (also = Journey Of You) and that contributes Joy in the world.
You have a huge heart and want to help other people be their best at work and in life. You care. You support. You give. You’ve been doing personal and professional growth work for a long time to keep learning how to show up at your best. You want to make a difference AND have fun enjoying the ride. You’re feeling like there’s something more wanting to express through you.
So, who supports, cares, and gives TO you to help you create the life you are meant to lead?
I just had an awesome session with a client about her heart’s longing for a higher quality of connections and… (rest of written post on LinkedIn here). Podcast version above.