Audio version (from written text):
This Power Pause guided practice goes a bit deeper- try it on here:
I just got off an Inspired Leadership Lab call with a wonderful client who lost a very dear friend. His grief is both personal and for the loss of this unique, special human being on the planet. The privilege of being with him about this (for the past hour plus) has inspired me to revisit a post I sent out yesterday with even more care and invite you to love and respect yourself to join this PAUSE- for your own flourishing and for the mission you are here to joyfully serve.
2 minutes, 2 questions. Here are two extremely powerful questions, if you let them be that for you.
Why am I here?
What's my most important job?
How you answer these makes all the difference in the world for you, and ultimately for the world because of you. Let your deeper wisdom and infinite potential answer, (not your schedule or to-do list or expectations of others and all that jazz that normally runs the show) and let the potency of this pause operationalize the rest of your day. Try it every day this week and see what you discover! What if the real secret to flourishing is not trying harder to succeed faster & smarter but hitting the pause button to shift what is running you. Pause to find the calmer, clearer energy that moves you into true strength, higher perspectives, unlimited possibilities and smarter choices.
With my client, there was a beautiful paradox of encouraging him to be "big and strong" and carry forward his higher mission in honor of his friend's passing, yet start with being willing to be fragile or "needy" too-- and feel the painful feelings all the way-- letting that part feel so seen, loved, held in infinite loving compassion and care. I think that's a message Life wants us all to hear more of now- to be tenderly caring of ourselves and to step up and live up to our greater work in the world. They go together profoundly. We cannot give what we do not let in and experience receiving ourselves first. That can be one way to answer "What is my most important job?" btw- to let LOVE love you, and trust that this will propel you to be the inspired leader contributing what you are here for.