We get to realize deeper layers of this truth. What actually creates your experience is your consciousness, (inner state/what energy you are coming from) not circumstances. This is good news.

This struck me as one of those ahaa messages worth stopping my other work to share with you in the moment. Here’s 1) a new podcast 2) a guided power Pause practice:

 Nuggets include:

What are you listening to from the inside that’s trying to run you or liberate your true power?

Wow- more layers revealed to show me/us that our experience (results, outcomes, how others respond to us, our chances for good work flow, relationship-ing, innovation, et al) is absolutely created from our consciousness, not by circumstances.

 Let’s repeat that:

What actually creates your experience is your consciousness, not circumstances.


Happiness does not happen because of what’s happening.

It comes from how we relate to whatever’s happening.

We’ve heard this. We know this already. And yet, there’s an aliveness of living it, always revealing in subtler layers!

So, what are you listening to? Your inner protective persona parts (imagine subconscious fear-driven cartoon characters in our inner psyches, wielding plastic swords, trying to control, please, problem solve, perform, avoid….) or your core depth of power?

Are you slipping into the normal default of “driven” and ending up worn out


coming from a deeper well, INSPIRED and Agile?

None of this comes from trying harder to be a good girl or boy and do a good job. It must must must originate from Trusting a deeper source of power within you and letting that limitless potential move you.

With the COVID pressures and disruptions, my fierce heart wants to support your resilience more than ever. I am emboldened by the invitation for even more compassion and pragmatic lessons from the privilege of working with inspired leadership clients this week.

How do you come from Queen/King more than girl/boy and work with others as allies to co-create efficient, effective solutions without wearing out?

It’s so funny that a neighbor’s dog starts barking during this meditation that’s all about letting things be and not having your peace/ happiness dependent on outer circumstances. So, let this be part of your practice- to not let it bother you or try to control something beyond your control and rest in your calm center regardless.

How do we let the un-phased, unlimited power at the heart of that calm center move us forward?