What if the ways you inherited about how to succeed are actually getting in the way of your greatest joy, effectiveness and truest desires?
I caught myself in the grips of a clever Should voice. Do you know that voice or feeling? Something’s not quite authentic or all the way in integrity with my truest best self, yet the cultural noise of how to succeed or my own old subconscious survival-driven, scare-city trickster creeps in. I’m elated to share that I broke free and discovered a deeper power and higher truth that wanted to re-fill me and take the steering wheel. This is always a practice, over and over again. When I am able to tap into another revelation about how to stop entrapping myself, I get excited and want to share the goodies. I am often the first test subject of this transformational work and then I get to see how these gifts translate into tools with clients. I could not be more grateful when it all clicks.
Here are two new “power pause” audios I felt inspired to record- to pay forward the ahaa’s and tools to liberate us off the trying treadmill (driven by subconscious outdated programming lurking in our inner operating systems) and onto a new highway of genuinely happier, healthier flow that’s good for you and good for everyone & everything you impact.
This 38-minute audio is like a mini workshop (have fun with a new title and promotion and new ways of relating to “your most important job”)
Enjoy this guided meditation (more accurate to call this an activation of your authentic best self). It’s fun this happened to be 14:44 minutes.
Please do yourself and everyone a favor to take time for this powerful pause; liberate that special something in you, so you get to enjoy the life you are here to lead. Don’t miss the invitation from a higher Love wanting the best for you. There are several inspired ideas and tools in these audios. You could pick just one that resonates most with you and let it plant seeds for new growth and what wants to blossom through you now.
With gratitude and cheers to your greatest,